Friday, December 21, 2012

The New American Immigrants

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Labor Unions Emerge

  1. Based upon what I have read, labor unions were good because workers were trying to get out of how they were, like for example they had horrible and dangerous working conditions. The labor unions helped them change by eliminating many of the bad things that workers went through.
  2.  The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was a sweatshop in which 146 seamstresses died because the building was on fire and they jumped out of a 9 story building so because they didn't want to get burned to death. These deaths could have been prevented if the fire departments ladder was longer.

3.Monopolists did not want unions because they would have to pay workers more money and have to waste money fixing working conditions. Union members did not like scabs because they were afraid that they might take their jobs for a lower wage.

4.Many factory and sweatshop owners disliked the vision of unions like the IWW because they were socialists and welcomed African Americans.                                                    



Friday, December 14, 2012

Hopelessly Bound to the Stake

1.What are the three pieces of information you chose? Why did you choose the three?

- "Laborers were bound inevitably bound to their company through debt" 
-"The poor were stuck in a rut"

-"Workers thought they would prevail through strikes and boycotts but their employees were able to outsmart them with scabs"

I chose those three because it relates to what happened to the workers, and how they suffered in the many ways they got treated.

2. Were labor unions necessary? why?
- Labor unions were necessary because workers wanted to get paid higher wages and work less hours.They also wanted better working conditions.

3. Did the government help make monopolies?how?
- The government did help make monopolies because people with money can do what they want, meaning that if they wanted to contribute in the making of any law, they could pay so they could be there to make sure the law they wanted was made.

4. How did money in politics contribute to this cartoon? How has this changed?
- The monopolies used money to do what they wanted meanwhile the poor people had no business in anything because they were helpless from the rich people doing and making the decisions they wanted. This has changed because the workers aren't getting treated the way they used to get treated before, because now the workers have a say and can complain if they want to if something is not right without getting in trouble. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Are The Old Bosses Still in Charge

-The special interest group is the loudest in government.

-The setting for the cartoon is in the house of the senate.

-The monopolists entrance is open and the peoples entrance is closed.

-The large men at the back of the room represent the monopolists and they represent the special interest group.

-The large men would be there in the first place because they are there to influence the senators.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rise of Industry & Monopolies

1. what were the three main causes of industrial growth in america?
         natural resources
        government support
        urban population

2. Trusts and monopolies during America's early industrial age created?
     They created good and bad things. For example there were taller buildings made called skyscrapers.Also the Bessemer Process came to be. Some examples of the bad things was the share of wealth, was unequal between people. There were poor people because of greediness from the monopolies.  It also created working for people longer with low wages and bad working conditions. People who wanted to start monopolies had to take drastic measures in order to start it. For example some rich people would start a fire in a business so the owner would have to sell his property to him and so the rich people could continue building they're monopoly, so the owners went out of business. Trusts and monopolies had both negative and positive effects on our country.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Because Of Electricity

Lighbulb invented
drastically improved lives
    longer job hours

Electricity became one of the  improvements of industrialism. Thomas Edison invented the first lightbulb thanks to the power of electricity. Not only that, it also helped produce consumer industries. It also improved people's lives and because of electricity, electric streetcars made travel cheap and efficient.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"Mayor events before the civil war"

Around 1858, the United States was divided geographically-north and south with the south that depended on agriculture and slave labor, and the north became more industrialized. They both had different religions, climates etc. They believed in different things and opinions. The south got slaves to do many of the agriculture things. The north didn't at all depend on slaves because they were against that and was more modern and improved.
         The country was so divided by the issue of slavery, California needed the compromise of 1850 in order to become a state. There was an argument about this and if the north and south didnt agree on the compromise then California wouldnt be able to become a state so it had to be through popular soverinty.
         Around this time, many southerners were considering secession. Many thought that slavery was the problem between states rights of self determination and federal government control. So they decided to act.
         Many people from the north hated slavery, so they helped slaves become free. Those people were called abolitionists. They helped slaves escape through the underground railroad. Abolitionists risked their own lives to help slaves become free because they hated slavery.
         When  Uncle Tom's Cabin was published, it angered northern abolitionists because they already hated slavery. Southerners were annoyed because it criticized their way of living. The south thought it was an attack on them on how they work things. It increased the north to increase protests against the fugitive slave act.
         Two politicians became famous for they slavery debates which were Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. Lincoln debated that he didnt want slavery. He wanted to abolish it. On the other hand, Douglas didnt want slavery either but it was the states decision to decide whether or not they wanted slavery.
         On December 20, 1860 Lincoln won and the first state to secede was South Carolina. Afterwards, more southern states followed in the South Carolina's footsteps. They saw that slavery was eventually going to come to an end so they knew they would economically have trouble and so decided to secede.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Analysis

My partner is J'vaughn Black

         Marijuana Legalization in Colorado and Washington

  1. Cite examples of "Supreme Law of the Land"
  2. Cite examples of "federal vs. state authority"
  3. What was the "compromise" that helped to pass the referendum in Washington? How do you think this compromise would affect demand for the product?
  4. Why was Oregon's referendum not passed?

    1: "Marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government, which overrules states' rights "

    2: "The Drug Enforcement Administration's enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act remains unchanged."

   3: The compromise was that they were going to triple tax it. I think people are going to eventually stop buying it and get it illegally somehow.

  4: "Analysts had projected that it wouldn't go through and criticized various aspects of the initiative,    especially  the fact that it would have handed most of the regulating power in the marijuana industry to the growers rather than independent overseers."

                     Social Media and the presidential election

       5. What audience do you think social media was targeted to? Explain.
       6. Which candidate was most effective  using social media? Explain.
       7. According to Jeffrey Hermes, taking a picture of your marked ballot can be used to   pressure people standing in line to vote. Do you agree or disagree, and why?  

   5: The social media targeted the young people to learn, because they are going to eventually vote when they get old enough.
   6: "One of the stand-out moments from Mr Obama's campaign was The president spent around 30  minutes answering questions from the site's millions of users. Mr Obama's credibility was enhanced when he told users the Q&A sessions were "Not bad!"

  7: I agree because people while standing in line are still having a hard time deciding for who to vote for and they second guess themselves when they see other peoples votes. They are going to want to vote for the candidate the other person chose. That's a kind of pressure that will make people have doubts.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Immigration/Industrialization Key Terms

1.Nativist/Nativism: dislike of immigrants over the native born people.
2.George Eastman: American innovator and entrepreneur that made a company to develop film for taking pictures and to bring photography to mainstream.
3.Horizontal/Vertical integration: styles of management to help businesses.
4.Meat Inspection Act: law that helps prevent any meat that is not good for us to eat from being sold.
5.Thomas Edison: developed devices that help modernize life with phonographs, the motion picture, and the electric bulb.
6.Americanization: Immigrants that go to the U.S to have to get used to their values, beliefs and customs.
7.Reform: changes for improvement
8.Progressive Era/Movement: people became active to make a better government.
9.Trust/monopoly: a company that has control over the whole business, different companies that meet together to reduce competition by reducing prices.
10.Upton Sinclair: american author and California candidate who wrote a lot of books including the jungle.
11.Urban: high population and variety or human features to areas around like a city.
12.Political machine: typically a powerful boss that gives people and campaign workers rewards if they support them.
13.Social Darwinism: survival of the fittest; to justify that there's no difference between people who can and can't.
14.Muckraker: journalists that wrote about corrupt laws in popular magazines.
15.Social Gospel: a religious movement that focused on issues, of excessive wealth, poverty, alcoholism, crime, Racial Tensions, bad hygiene, child labor.
16.Alexander Graham Bell: scientist, inventor, engineer, and innovator who invented the telephone.
17.Europe(eastern and western): european countries that are,
18.Jane Addams: a settlement worker of many important roles.
19.Immigration: people migrating to a country or region that they were not born in.
20.Henry Bessemer: english engineer, inventor and businessman that improved the process of making steel.
21.Immigration act of 1965: removed the national quota system that restricted immigration and focused on immigrants skills and family relationships, restrictions on visas to 170,000 per year.
22.Andrew Carnegie: scottish american industrialist who led the expansion of american steel industry, most important philanthropists.
23.Graft: political corruption by using ones political position to get personal gain.
24.Hull Houses: reform institutions and chicagos best known
25.Cesar Chavez: american farm worker, labor leader, and civil rights activist who co-founded the national farm workers association.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Diary Entry# 7

Dear Diary,

It's December 4, 1819 and I'm still lost. I got attacked by a bear and have a huge wound in my stomach that got infected, and I'm dying. I'm laying on a rock by the waterfall and saying my last words. I'm 1410 years old. in was worth living because I got to see how people got they're rights thanks to the anti federalists. Also how a great man called John Locke established the philosophy that we have the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, because without that then we would be in big trouble. I think that in the year 2019 things are going to be really different. For example I think that there would be way more states and they are going to be better. I also think that there will be different clothing than the one's we have. Everything's starting to go black and I feel like I'm about to faint.... So these are my last words for you about the life I had......


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Diary Entry# 6

Dear Diary,

It's September 17, 1787. I was washing my clothes in the ocean water and picking up some rocks. As I'm walking I get fascinated by a little creature I see, so I follow it. I keep on following it and when I look up the first thing I notice is where I am. I'm scared and I try to find my way back home. But I can't and instead I find a big huge building and in the front it says constitutional convention. I decide to be nosie so I go in and go inside the first room. I find out that there's a debate going on about some people called federalists and anti federalists. I sit down because I find it interesting. As I'm hearing I decide to ask them what they were arguing about. They told me that it was because federalists wanted a strong central government and the anti federalists worried more about peoples rights and of the state.I remembered that I went to a convention before where I saw in a document about how Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay agreed and disagreed with the new constitution because of some problems there were. So I told them that and the federalists agreed with what I said, because it said that a strong central government had to be superior to the congress according to the articles of confederation. The anti federalists didn't agree because it only mentioned the federalists side and not theirs. Meanwhile they were arguing, I decided to eat my cooked fish I always had on my bag in case I ever got lost, which I did. When I was done eating I heard the Anti-federalists agree to follow the Constitution only if they got the bill of rights. They agreed to it and so the thirteen colonies which were Massachusetts, Georgia, Rhode Island, Connecticut, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, and New Hampshire heard about this and got in on that. In 1819 Ohio, Mississippi, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Illinois found out about this, and wanted the bill of rights as well. I'm exhausted and tired from hearing long debates and arguments, and it's time for me to go home. I don't know where to go, but I'm going to try to find my way back.

Diary Entry# 5

  Dear Diary,
Its the year of 1789 and I was getting wood to start a fire, when I see behind some trees someone talking about the problem George Washington was facing with Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson. I wanted to go and see how that was going to turn out, so I decided to go to the argument they were having. I got to the place and saw that it was a big building. As I was looking through the window Alexander Hamilton sees me and tells me to come in to help him and Thomas Jefferson decide on something. So I went in and they told me what they were arguing about. Hamilton said that he wanted a strong government led by the upper class citizens. Jefferson wanted a strong government led by local governments rooted in participation. I told them I didn't know with who to agree with. I didn't want to tell Hamilton that I disagreed with him. I disagreed with him because I to wanted a society of farmer citizens like Jefferson wanted. Since I'm not rich or am from upper class people, I wouldn't be able to agree or disagree on laws, because of that. So that affected me a lot. Hamilton wanted commerce and industry, as key to a strong nation. Jefferson wanted a society of farm citizens. I told them that they needed to fix the problem fast because people were getting irritated of how their government was at the time. So I told them to just come up with a basic agreement. They said that a compromise should be established, so that's exactly what they did.They came up with a compromise that helped them get what they wanted without having to have war. I was pleased because I knew people would be happy because I was. I'm going to stay, and keep hearing what they're plans are. This is it for now.