Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rise of Industry & Monopolies

1. what were the three main causes of industrial growth in america?
         natural resources
        government support
        urban population

2. Trusts and monopolies during America's early industrial age created?
     They created good and bad things. For example there were taller buildings made called skyscrapers.Also the Bessemer Process came to be. Some examples of the bad things was the share of wealth, was unequal between people. There were poor people because of greediness from the monopolies.  It also created working for people longer with low wages and bad working conditions. People who wanted to start monopolies had to take drastic measures in order to start it. For example some rich people would start a fire in a business so the owner would have to sell his property to him and so the rich people could continue building they're monopoly, so the owners went out of business. Trusts and monopolies had both negative and positive effects on our country.

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