Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Labor Unions Emerge

  1. Based upon what I have read, labor unions were good because workers were trying to get out of how they were, like for example they had horrible and dangerous working conditions. The labor unions helped them change by eliminating many of the bad things that workers went through.
  2.  The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was a sweatshop in which 146 seamstresses died because the building was on fire and they jumped out of a 9 story building so because they didn't want to get burned to death. These deaths could have been prevented if the fire departments ladder was longer.

3.Monopolists did not want unions because they would have to pay workers more money and have to waste money fixing working conditions. Union members did not like scabs because they were afraid that they might take their jobs for a lower wage.

4.Many factory and sweatshop owners disliked the vision of unions like the IWW because they were socialists and welcomed African Americans.                                                    



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