Monday, October 29, 2012

Diary Entry# 7

Dear Diary,

It's December 4, 1819 and I'm still lost. I got attacked by a bear and have a huge wound in my stomach that got infected, and I'm dying. I'm laying on a rock by the waterfall and saying my last words. I'm 1410 years old. in was worth living because I got to see how people got they're rights thanks to the anti federalists. Also how a great man called John Locke established the philosophy that we have the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, because without that then we would be in big trouble. I think that in the year 2019 things are going to be really different. For example I think that there would be way more states and they are going to be better. I also think that there will be different clothing than the one's we have. Everything's starting to go black and I feel like I'm about to faint.... So these are my last words for you about the life I had......


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