Thursday, October 25, 2012

Diary Entry# 5

  Dear Diary,
Its the year of 1789 and I was getting wood to start a fire, when I see behind some trees someone talking about the problem George Washington was facing with Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson. I wanted to go and see how that was going to turn out, so I decided to go to the argument they were having. I got to the place and saw that it was a big building. As I was looking through the window Alexander Hamilton sees me and tells me to come in to help him and Thomas Jefferson decide on something. So I went in and they told me what they were arguing about. Hamilton said that he wanted a strong government led by the upper class citizens. Jefferson wanted a strong government led by local governments rooted in participation. I told them I didn't know with who to agree with. I didn't want to tell Hamilton that I disagreed with him. I disagreed with him because I to wanted a society of farmer citizens like Jefferson wanted. Since I'm not rich or am from upper class people, I wouldn't be able to agree or disagree on laws, because of that. So that affected me a lot. Hamilton wanted commerce and industry, as key to a strong nation. Jefferson wanted a society of farm citizens. I told them that they needed to fix the problem fast because people were getting irritated of how their government was at the time. So I told them to just come up with a basic agreement. They said that a compromise should be established, so that's exactly what they did.They came up with a compromise that helped them get what they wanted without having to have war. I was pleased because I knew people would be happy because I was. I'm going to stay, and keep hearing what they're plans are. This is it for now.

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