Sunday, November 4, 2012

Immigration/Industrialization Key Terms

1.Nativist/Nativism: dislike of immigrants over the native born people.
2.George Eastman: American innovator and entrepreneur that made a company to develop film for taking pictures and to bring photography to mainstream.
3.Horizontal/Vertical integration: styles of management to help businesses.
4.Meat Inspection Act: law that helps prevent any meat that is not good for us to eat from being sold.
5.Thomas Edison: developed devices that help modernize life with phonographs, the motion picture, and the electric bulb.
6.Americanization: Immigrants that go to the U.S to have to get used to their values, beliefs and customs.
7.Reform: changes for improvement
8.Progressive Era/Movement: people became active to make a better government.
9.Trust/monopoly: a company that has control over the whole business, different companies that meet together to reduce competition by reducing prices.
10.Upton Sinclair: american author and California candidate who wrote a lot of books including the jungle.
11.Urban: high population and variety or human features to areas around like a city.
12.Political machine: typically a powerful boss that gives people and campaign workers rewards if they support them.
13.Social Darwinism: survival of the fittest; to justify that there's no difference between people who can and can't.
14.Muckraker: journalists that wrote about corrupt laws in popular magazines.
15.Social Gospel: a religious movement that focused on issues, of excessive wealth, poverty, alcoholism, crime, Racial Tensions, bad hygiene, child labor.
16.Alexander Graham Bell: scientist, inventor, engineer, and innovator who invented the telephone.
17.Europe(eastern and western): european countries that are,
18.Jane Addams: a settlement worker of many important roles.
19.Immigration: people migrating to a country or region that they were not born in.
20.Henry Bessemer: english engineer, inventor and businessman that improved the process of making steel.
21.Immigration act of 1965: removed the national quota system that restricted immigration and focused on immigrants skills and family relationships, restrictions on visas to 170,000 per year.
22.Andrew Carnegie: scottish american industrialist who led the expansion of american steel industry, most important philanthropists.
23.Graft: political corruption by using ones political position to get personal gain.
24.Hull Houses: reform institutions and chicagos best known
25.Cesar Chavez: american farm worker, labor leader, and civil rights activist who co-founded the national farm workers association.


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