Thursday, October 25, 2012

Diary Entry# 6

Dear Diary,

It's September 17, 1787. I was washing my clothes in the ocean water and picking up some rocks. As I'm walking I get fascinated by a little creature I see, so I follow it. I keep on following it and when I look up the first thing I notice is where I am. I'm scared and I try to find my way back home. But I can't and instead I find a big huge building and in the front it says constitutional convention. I decide to be nosie so I go in and go inside the first room. I find out that there's a debate going on about some people called federalists and anti federalists. I sit down because I find it interesting. As I'm hearing I decide to ask them what they were arguing about. They told me that it was because federalists wanted a strong central government and the anti federalists worried more about peoples rights and of the state.I remembered that I went to a convention before where I saw in a document about how Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay agreed and disagreed with the new constitution because of some problems there were. So I told them that and the federalists agreed with what I said, because it said that a strong central government had to be superior to the congress according to the articles of confederation. The anti federalists didn't agree because it only mentioned the federalists side and not theirs. Meanwhile they were arguing, I decided to eat my cooked fish I always had on my bag in case I ever got lost, which I did. When I was done eating I heard the Anti-federalists agree to follow the Constitution only if they got the bill of rights. They agreed to it and so the thirteen colonies which were Massachusetts, Georgia, Rhode Island, Connecticut, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, and New Hampshire heard about this and got in on that. In 1819 Ohio, Mississippi, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Illinois found out about this, and wanted the bill of rights as well. I'm exhausted and tired from hearing long debates and arguments, and it's time for me to go home. I don't know where to go, but I'm going to try to find my way back.

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