Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WWII part 2

1. List all the contries the Nazis invaded?
 1.) Austria                   5.)  Bulgaria          9.) Lithuania      13.)Norway             17.)Belgium           
 2.)czechoslovakia        6.)Greece            10.)Latvia           14.)France                18.)soviet union
 3.)poland                     7.)Romania          11.)Estonia        15.)Denmark
4.)yugoslavia                 8.)Hungary          12.)Finland         16.)the Netherlands

2. What did Winston Churchill say about the peace agreed upon in the Munich Agreement?
- Winston Churchill believed that the Munich Agreement was a disaster and that it was going to lead to war

3.Whats Blitzkrieg and whats the purpose?                                                                                          -Blitzkrieg was lightning war.Its purpose was to take the enemy by surprise and then quickly crush all opposition with the overwhelming force.




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