Tuesday, April 16, 2013

World War II part 1

1. What treaty did Hitler hate? Why? 
 - Hitler hated the treaty of Versailles because they blamed Germany for starting the war and so Germany was forced to pay off debt. Hitler also hated it because it beat up Germany's pride.

2. Who became dictators during the 20's and 30's, and for what country?
- Japan: Hideki Tojo
  Germany: Adolf Hitler
  Italy: Benito Mussolini
  Russia: Joseph Stalin
  Spain: Francisco Franco

3. Explain similarities and differences amongst dictators?
- Mussolini and Stalin: If you disagree you get killed
 Hitler and Mussolini: called themselves " the leader"

4.What was the U.S thinking as several wars were breaking out?
- Most Americans believed that the U.S should not get involved. They wanted to stay isolated and neutral because they were still getting over WWI. President Roosevelt thought differently. He didn't want to stay neutral, he wanted to get involved.



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