Friday, April 12, 2013

"The Help" and the struggle for African American Equality

In the movie "The Help"  African American maids agreed to help a white woman write a book of how they were living their lives as maids so everyone could know. African American maids exposed in the book how they were being treated unfair.
      In one incident white southerners believed that African Americans shouldn't use their bathrooms. They wanted to treat them like animals and make them use the bathroom outside. The white southerners thought they would get some type of disease that the African Americans had.They ended up getting their own bathrooms but not in a good way.
      In another incident white people would control African Americans wages. White people could reduce their pay if they wanted to without getting in trouble. It was unfair for African Americans because they couldn't do anything about it. They could either take the job or leave it.
    The third incident was that African American children's dreams were squashed up and they already knew what they were gonna be. They couldn't even dream of becoming anything because they knew already they were going to be working  for White people. African American children were trained by their mothers of what to do and say, when they're at their jobs. Children lost their hopes of wanting to be someone in the future, because their future was already set up for them.
        The significance of "The Help" is to see the inequality of African American people. They were mistreated just because of their skin color. I think that the movie does show examples of the inequality that  African Americans faced before they had equal rights.


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