Tuesday, April 16, 2013

WWII key terms

1Allies - U.S., England, Soviet Union

2. Axis - Germany, Japan, Italy

3. Defense Spending - amount of money government spends on military.

4. Unemployment Rate - % of people unemployed.

5. Federal Outlay - amount of money the government uses to buy stuff.

6. Rattlesnakes of the Atlantic - German U-boats

7. German U-boats - German Submarines

8. Isolationists - policy of "mind your own business"

9. Appease - to give in to demands

10. Lend-Lease Act - Law that allowed POTUS to sell weapons to out friends.

11. Office of Price Administration - control money and rents after the WWII.

12. Inflation - when prices for goods / service increases but incomes remain the same.

13.) Pres.Franklin D.Roosevelt - 32nd president, leading the U.S during a time of economic depression and total war.

14.) Pres.Harry S.Truman - runner up of president Roosevelt for presidency; took president Roosevelt's place after he died. 

15.) Phillip Randolph - leader in African American civil rights movement.

16.) Gen.Patton - commander of the seventh U.S army and later the third 

17.) Gen.MacArthur - American general and Marshall of the Phillipine army who was chief of staff of the U.S army

18.) Gen.Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of U.S. Forces - five star general in the U.S army during WWII.

19.) Adolph Hitler - dictator for Germany

20.) Benito Mussolini - dictator for Italy

21.) Joseph Stalin - dictator for Russia/Soviet Union

22.) Winston Churchill -British politician, best known for his leadership in the UK during WWII.

23.) Battle of the Bulge- the last stand for Germany in the war.

24.) D-Day - offensive by allies to take over Europe.

25.) Auschwitz - Jewish concentration camp

26.) Atomic Bomb - Nuclear bomb dropped on Japan to end the war.

27.) Interment - camps on West Coast used to detain Japanese-Americans.

28.) Income Tax - % of tax paid on personal income (paychecks)

29.) Wage & Price controls - measures taken by a government under its income policy to control wages in an attempt to push inflation and wage push inflation.

30.) War bonds - debt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military operations during war 

31.) WAACs - Women's Army Auxiliary Corps 

32.) WWII Battles of the Pacific - wars taken place in the pacific

33.) GI Bill of Rights - a law that provided benefits for returning WWII veterans.

34.) Zoot-Suit Riots - A series of riots during WWII

   http://goo.gl/XpY0S                                                                          http://goo.gl/ftvCt

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