Friday, January 18, 2013

Spanish American War

a. Why did Jose Marti destroy U.S. property?
-To provoke the U.S so they would enter the war.

b.  Who did the de LÔme letter criticize? What were the consequences? How did this private letter become public in the first place
-President Mckinley. The consequences were that Spain apologized and D'Lome quit and Cuba limited self government. The private letter became public because a rebel stole the letter, from a Havana Post office.

c.  Who was the “winner” of the Spanish-American War, and what were the winning?
-The United States. The winning was that Spain freed Cuba and turned the islands of Guam in the pacific and Puerto Rico in the West Indies to the U.S. The Phillipines was sold to the U.S.

d.  How was the Spanish-American War connected with American Imperialism?
strong army and new markets and cultural superiority

            e.  How was the war started? Was it proper?
            -It was started by the media, and yellow journalism. 




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