Thursday, January 10, 2013

Coming to the United States in 1870

1. How much time was the trip from Europe and Asia, and how would you have liked it?
 The trip from Europe took approximately a week while the trip from Asia took nearly three weeks. If I were the immigrant I would not have liked it because I would be crowded up and possibly exposed to diseases and horrible smells.

2.What are the names of the main immigration processing stations in San Francisco and New York?
They were Ellis Island in New York Harbor, and Angel Island in San Francisco bay.

3.How did Denis Kearney try to stop Asian people from entering California in 1882? Why did he do this and how would you feel if you were Chinese?
Denis Kearney stopped Chinese people from entering to California because he thought that they were the ones taking  U.S native born people's work. He did this so congress would eventually pass the Anti-Chinese movement. If I were Chinese I would feel like Americans don't want me in the U.S and that its all my fault that there are no jobs.

4.In 1907-08 the Gentlemen's agreement did two things. What were they?
 The first agreement was that Japans government would not send unskilled workers to the U.S. The second agreement was that there would be a segregation order for Chinese students.




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