Friday, January 11, 2013

unit exam study guide

-Immigrants in 1870 arrived  in steamships
-the triangle shirtwaist factory was infamous for the death of 146 women that died in the fire
-these people were used to break labor strikes by working for less money are called scabs
-The main purpose of Americanization movement was to help assimilate immigrants into dominant "American Culture"
-The law that decreased Chinese immigration to the U.S was called the Chinese exclusion act.
-new immigrants moved to the cities because it was cheap and lots of jobs
-the angel island was the processing station in San Francisco
-the smaller men in the room are the senate
-industrial workers of the IWW was organized by radical unions, socialists
-steel allowed to make skyscrapers and new construction
-electricity allowed factories to move far away from rivers
-competition would reduce monopolies and trusts
-Upton Sinclair's book was responsible for the meat inspection act
-settlement houses were created by social reformers to help new immigrants assimilate.
-tenements were where poor people were usually occupied.
-Upton Sinclair wrote his new book on the meat industry
-the gentlemen's agreement decreased Japanese immigration and desegregate SF classrooms
-railroads needed to have a standard time schedule
-Andrew Carnegie made vertical and horizontal integration famous
-The Sherman Anti trust act was created to outlaw trusts and monopolies that interfered with competition
-The illegal use of political power for personnel is called a graft
-Tammy Hall was famous for NYC political machine
-Patronage: putting a friend into a job
-many rich people believed they worked hard, were smarter,and that god selected them is called social Darwinism
-The #1 strategy that made Andrew Carnegie wealthy was to be cheaper than his competitors is false

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