Wednesday, January 23, 2013

China and WWI

1. Which country's interest did the Open Door Policy in China favor?
       -The United States

2. What were the reasons behind the Boxer Rebellion?
        -because all the troops from different countries wanted to take over China 

3. List three causes of World War I?
-formation of a system of alliance

4. How did the U.S. deal with German U-boats?
-They would sail together in boats guarded by military vessels.

5. What was the Selective Service Act used for?
-The selective act required men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected by military service

6. What new weapons did WWI introduce?
-tanks and airplanes

7. How did the Espionage and Sedition Act affect Freedom of Speech and Labor Unions?
-it took away your freedom of speech and would be fined if you spoke against the war. Labor unions were effected because if you interfered with the war effort you would be sentenced to jail

8. Why was there opposition to President Wilson's League of Nations?
-There was opposition because the league of nations felt that they would fall into a trap and have to go to war again.

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