Thursday, January 31, 2013

Booker T. Washington

1. What was the name of the school that Booker T. Washington started?
-Tuskegee Institute

2.Whom did Booker T. Washington recruit to head the agriculture department at Tuskegee Institute?
-George Washington Carver

3. Booker T. Washington's autobiography is entitled:
-Up From Slavery

4. What president did Booker T. Washington dine with?
 -Teddy Roosevelt

5. With whom did Booker T. Washington often come into conflict?
 -W.E.B. Du Bois                                                                                     

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

African Americans after Reconstruction

 How is racism today different than racism practiced immediately after reconstruction?
     - Racism today is more suppressed and black people have more power. Before southern states made laws discriminating black people. They also didn't allow black people to vote. They made them take literacy tests that were hard so they couldn't pass them. Today anyone is allowed to vote without having to take any test to make them eligible. 


Monday, January 28, 2013

Mid Term 2013

In the mid term exam I got number 1,5,8,16, and 21 wrong because I didnt read the question carefully and didnt take my time answering it. I got number 22 and 25 wrong because I answered the question too quick without even looking at the other answer choices. I think that next time I'm going to take my time reading the question and answer choices carefully so I dont make the same mistakes.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

China and WWI

1. Which country's interest did the Open Door Policy in China favor?
       -The United States

2. What were the reasons behind the Boxer Rebellion?
        -because all the troops from different countries wanted to take over China 

3. List three causes of World War I?
-formation of a system of alliance

4. How did the U.S. deal with German U-boats?
-They would sail together in boats guarded by military vessels.

5. What was the Selective Service Act used for?
-The selective act required men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected by military service

6. What new weapons did WWI introduce?
-tanks and airplanes

7. How did the Espionage and Sedition Act affect Freedom of Speech and Labor Unions?
-it took away your freedom of speech and would be fined if you spoke against the war. Labor unions were effected because if you interfered with the war effort you would be sentenced to jail

8. Why was there opposition to President Wilson's League of Nations?
-There was opposition because the league of nations felt that they would fall into a trap and have to go to war again.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

American Imperialism after Spanish-American War

a.                  How did the U.S. change Cuba’s Constitution?
                 -The U.S forced them to add the platt amendment.

b.                 What did the Roosevelt Corollary build on?
                -The monroe doctrine was the inital statement.

c.                   Pancho Villa was pursued by whom?
                 -Pancho Villa was pursued by John J Pershing.

d.                 How did the U.S. get the land for the Panama Canal?
               -The rebellion happened and  gave panama independence from Colombia and after that, the     U.S   bought it from Panama

e.                 What is meant by “speak softly and carry a big stick mean?
            -Roosevelt backed up his negotiations with a military threat.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Spanish American War

a. Why did Jose Marti destroy U.S. property?
-To provoke the U.S so they would enter the war.

b.  Who did the de LÔme letter criticize? What were the consequences? How did this private letter become public in the first place
-President Mckinley. The consequences were that Spain apologized and D'Lome quit and Cuba limited self government. The private letter became public because a rebel stole the letter, from a Havana Post office.

c.  Who was the “winner” of the Spanish-American War, and what were the winning?
-The United States. The winning was that Spain freed Cuba and turned the islands of Guam in the pacific and Puerto Rico in the West Indies to the U.S. The Phillipines was sold to the U.S.

d.  How was the Spanish-American War connected with American Imperialism?
strong army and new markets and cultural superiority

            e.  How was the war started? Was it proper?
            -It was started by the media, and yellow journalism. 




Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Education has changed. A little or a lot?

school began
 curriculum was short
beatings and crying went around the classes
children scared to death 



Friday, January 11, 2013

unit exam study guide

-Immigrants in 1870 arrived  in steamships
-the triangle shirtwaist factory was infamous for the death of 146 women that died in the fire
-these people were used to break labor strikes by working for less money are called scabs
-The main purpose of Americanization movement was to help assimilate immigrants into dominant "American Culture"
-The law that decreased Chinese immigration to the U.S was called the Chinese exclusion act.
-new immigrants moved to the cities because it was cheap and lots of jobs
-the angel island was the processing station in San Francisco
-the smaller men in the room are the senate
-industrial workers of the IWW was organized by radical unions, socialists
-steel allowed to make skyscrapers and new construction
-electricity allowed factories to move far away from rivers
-competition would reduce monopolies and trusts
-Upton Sinclair's book was responsible for the meat inspection act
-settlement houses were created by social reformers to help new immigrants assimilate.
-tenements were where poor people were usually occupied.
-Upton Sinclair wrote his new book on the meat industry
-the gentlemen's agreement decreased Japanese immigration and desegregate SF classrooms
-railroads needed to have a standard time schedule
-Andrew Carnegie made vertical and horizontal integration famous
-The Sherman Anti trust act was created to outlaw trusts and monopolies that interfered with competition
-The illegal use of political power for personnel is called a graft
-Tammy Hall was famous for NYC political machine
-Patronage: putting a friend into a job
-many rich people believed they worked hard, were smarter,and that god selected them is called social Darwinism
-The #1 strategy that made Andrew Carnegie wealthy was to be cheaper than his competitors is false

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Coming to the United States in 1870

1. How much time was the trip from Europe and Asia, and how would you have liked it?
 The trip from Europe took approximately a week while the trip from Asia took nearly three weeks. If I were the immigrant I would not have liked it because I would be crowded up and possibly exposed to diseases and horrible smells.

2.What are the names of the main immigration processing stations in San Francisco and New York?
They were Ellis Island in New York Harbor, and Angel Island in San Francisco bay.

3.How did Denis Kearney try to stop Asian people from entering California in 1882? Why did he do this and how would you feel if you were Chinese?
Denis Kearney stopped Chinese people from entering to California because he thought that they were the ones taking  U.S native born people's work. He did this so congress would eventually pass the Anti-Chinese movement. If I were Chinese I would feel like Americans don't want me in the U.S and that its all my fault that there are no jobs.

4.In 1907-08 the Gentlemen's agreement did two things. What were they?
 The first agreement was that Japans government would not send unskilled workers to the U.S. The second agreement was that there would be a segregation order for Chinese students.




Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Meat Inspection Act


Meat production
 Experts investigated          
After reading The Jungle
Theodore Roosevelt                                                                      

Improved cleanliness
No contamination
People less sick                                                                                                          
Eliminated bacteria                                                                  
On improving                                                                                                           
Nasty disgusting meat                  

And full of illnesses
To improve