Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pop Culture 1950's

1. What media exploded in the 50's, and how did business respond to this explosion?
- The television exploded. Businesses responded by liking it by increasing their advertisng dollars.There were also tv guides made.

2. Why did critics not like televisions?
- They were concerned about violence being explosed to children, and how women were potrayed on tv. Also it didnt really portray people of color. It was basically unrealistic.

3. What's so ironic about rock music in the 1950's?
- It was mostly made by African Americans. Adults hated it but the more they hated it the more they put it on and liked it.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The American Dream 1950's

1. What were some causes for the baby boom?
- decreasing marriage age
- desirability of large  families
- confidence in continued economic prosperity
- advances in medicine

2. What did Americans have to do in order to support all the new babies being born?
- more toy makers
- more schools
- more teachers

3. How did the roles of women change in the 1950's?
- They took payinng jobs outside of home, and went to college

4. What changes allowed the American car explosion to occur?
- a lot of gas that was cheap
- easy credit to get cars
- extensive advertising
- transportation
-creation of the highway


Friday, May 24, 2013

Postwar America 1950's

1. What was the U.S economy like during WWII? How were Americans doing?
- It wasnt as good. Even though Americans had money they couldn't waste it.

2. How did the American economy transform after The Great Depression and WWII?
- From factory work to working with information; blue collar to white collar.

3. Why would a company like google not do well in the 1950's?
- A company like google would not do well in the 1950's because they were most into indiviuality rather than conformity.


Truman's Labor Policies

1. What were some of the significant challenges president Truman faced after WWII?
- Truman had to supply jobs for 12 million soldiers.
- Giving the African Americans equal rights.
- rationing and shortages of consumer goods

2. How did Truman try to help returning G.I's get jobs after WWII, an how effective was he? Explain your opinion.
- Truman helped returning G.I's gets jobs after WWII by giving them minimum wage, employment, medical insurance, housing aid, etc. He wasn't really effective because he had no support and so there were many strikes so it caused work to not be done.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

The American Teenagers Of The 1950's

1. How did the lives of teenagers change after TGD and WWII? Explain
-They stayed in school, got allowances, didn't work, and the media aimed for them for money.

2. What is "white flight"? Was it good for society?
- It means to move out of the city and go to the suburbs

3. Why did many Mexicans immigrate to the U.S before the 1950's?
- They came to work in agriculture.



Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Boy In Striped Pajamas- Analysis Questions

1. Bruno moved with his family so his father could be closer to the Nazi death camps. At first only the father knew the real reason for moving to the country. Why do you think the father was so secretive about why the family moved?
- I think the father was so secretive about why he and his family moved because he didnt want his family to find out what type of things he was doing to the jews like killing them.

2. Bruno was taught to think of Jews in a certain way.What was Bruno taught about the Jews?
- Bruno was taught about the Jews that they were bad people and that it was their fault why the Germans weren't doing well.

3. When Bruno fell from a swing a Jewish man helped him.Why was this event significant to Bruno's mother's thinking of Jewish people?
- Bruno's mother at first thought that Jews were evil and bad but when she saw one helping Bruno she thought differently about them in a good way.

4. Bruno's father evolved and trasformed from a loving father to what? why?
- Bruno's father evolved and transormed from a loving father to a murderer because he was killing Jews in the concentration camps.

5. Bruno evolved and transformed as well.What kind of boy was he at first, and what did he transform to?
- At first he was an innocent boy who knew nothing about what was happening around him and then he transormed into a young boy caring about everything and everyone.

6. Describe your feelings about Bruno's actions.
- My feelings towards Brunos actions was mixed feelings by the way that he was helpful and caring for his Jewish friend by giving him food but at the same time got his friend beat up by not admiting that he gave him the food. I think he was scared and frightened and had to do that to not get in trouble.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Post WWII In America

1. Why were Americans afraid of the soviet union?
- They were afraid because they had equal powers like nuclear weapons

2. What did the Russians want in Europe?
- They wanted to give the workers a fair opportunity

3. What did the Americans want in Europe?
- They wanted them to determine they're own destiny



Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Japanese Internment and Justice

1. What does the word "internment" mean to you?
- It means to keep people locked up during war.

2. Why were Japanese Americans interned in Manzanar?
- Japanese Americans were interned in Manzanar because after the bombing of pearl harbor Americans considered them enemies.

3. Why were Japanese internment policies wrong?
- Japanese internment policies were wrong because they were against the U.S constitution. Also their opportunties were taken away from them.


Monday, May 6, 2013

The End Of WWII

1. Was General McArthur a sucessful general? Explain with evidence.
- General McArthur was a sucessful general because he led and won n the islands of Bataan, Leyte, and Iwo Jima.

2. Explain how sucessful the G.I bill was to returning soldiers?
- It was very sucessful because veterans got a chance to have college education that would help the economy.

3. Why were Mexicans in L.A unfairly treated in 1948?
- There was a report that some Mexicans in zoot-suits beat 11 sailors


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

WWII In The Pacific

1.who promised to "return" liberate the Phillipines?
- Douglas Mcarthur promised to return to the Phillipines.

2. What reasons did the POTUS use for using atomic bombs?
- The POTUS wanted to end the war and to save American lives from Japanese attacks.

3. In 1942, why were the Allies under-strength to fight Japan?
- They were under-maned, and  unprepaired for the fight.

4. Were American submarine efective in the Pacific? Explain.
- American submarines were effective because they sunk a lot of Japanese's ships.

Monday, April 29, 2013

WWII Across The Atlantic Ocean

1. Who was the Supreme commande in Europe, and was he sucessful?
- Dwight Eisenhwer was the supreme commander and he was successful because he made the enemy have an uncoditional surrender.

2. What was the sigficance of D-Day?
- The significance was that in order to remove Hitler they had to go to Europe where he was.

3. Was General Patton an effective leader?
- General Patton was an effective leader because he liberated Europe after 4 years of the Nazis taking over.

4. Why was the Battle of the Bulge significant?
- The Battle of the Bulge was the last oppurtunity for Hitler to have victory.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Coping With The War At Home

1. What was the OPA, and what was their job?
- The OPA was the office of Price Administration. Their job was to fight inflation by freezing prices on the most goods.

2. What was the purpose of the OSRD?
- The purpose of the OSRD was to bring scientists into the war to come up with new inventions to help defeat the enemey.

3. In what ways did Americans sacrifice during WWII?
- Americans could not buy as much stuff as they wanted because they were being rationed for the war.

4. How similar or different were your sacrifices during the Iraq and Afghanistan war?
- The difference was that during WWII you would be limited with food and stuff, and today we dont have to limit or ration anything before going to war.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

U.S Gets Ready For The Fight

1. Who was Phillip Randolph,  and why did he and president Roosevelt meet?
- Phillip Randolph was a African American labor leader who with African Americans, protested to get better jobs. He and president Roosevelt met because Roosevelt feared that the march might provoke resentment on white people so he called out Phillip Randolph to back down on it.

2. Who were the WAAC's and why were they important to the war effort?
-The WAAC's were a Women's Auxiliary Army Corps. They served honorably as nurses, ambulance drivers, radio opertors, etc.

3.How well did African Americans do during WWII?
- African Americans at first started off bad by being segregated and getting bad jobs, but at the end they started to do better and got the jobs that were needed for the war.



Friday, April 19, 2013

U.S Inches towards WWII

1.What was the Land-lease, and what countries did it benefit?
- The president would lend or rent weapons and other supplies to friends of the United States. It benefited the Soviet Union and Great Britain.

2.What did Roosevelt call German U-boats?
- Rattlesnakes of the Atlantic

3. How would desccribe Roosevelt's opinion of war?
- Roosevelt's opinion was that he wanted to stay neutral because he felt the people weren't build up for it yet.



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WWII part 2

1. List all the contries the Nazis invaded?
 1.) Austria                   5.)  Bulgaria          9.) Lithuania      13.)Norway             17.)Belgium           
 2.)czechoslovakia        6.)Greece            10.)Latvia           14.)France                18.)soviet union
 3.)poland                     7.)Romania          11.)Estonia        15.)Denmark
4.)yugoslavia                 8.)Hungary          12.)Finland         16.)the Netherlands

2. What did Winston Churchill say about the peace agreed upon in the Munich Agreement?
- Winston Churchill believed that the Munich Agreement was a disaster and that it was going to lead to war

3.Whats Blitzkrieg and whats the purpose?                                                                                          -Blitzkrieg was lightning war.Its purpose was to take the enemy by surprise and then quickly crush all opposition with the overwhelming force.




Tuesday, April 16, 2013

WWII key terms

1Allies - U.S., England, Soviet Union

2. Axis - Germany, Japan, Italy

3. Defense Spending - amount of money government spends on military.

4. Unemployment Rate - % of people unemployed.

5. Federal Outlay - amount of money the government uses to buy stuff.

6. Rattlesnakes of the Atlantic - German U-boats

7. German U-boats - German Submarines

8. Isolationists - policy of "mind your own business"

9. Appease - to give in to demands

10. Lend-Lease Act - Law that allowed POTUS to sell weapons to out friends.

11. Office of Price Administration - control money and rents after the WWII.

12. Inflation - when prices for goods / service increases but incomes remain the same.

13.) Pres.Franklin D.Roosevelt - 32nd president, leading the U.S during a time of economic depression and total war.

14.) Pres.Harry S.Truman - runner up of president Roosevelt for presidency; took president Roosevelt's place after he died. 

15.) Phillip Randolph - leader in African American civil rights movement.

16.) Gen.Patton - commander of the seventh U.S army and later the third 

17.) Gen.MacArthur - American general and Marshall of the Phillipine army who was chief of staff of the U.S army

18.) Gen.Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of U.S. Forces - five star general in the U.S army during WWII.

19.) Adolph Hitler - dictator for Germany

20.) Benito Mussolini - dictator for Italy

21.) Joseph Stalin - dictator for Russia/Soviet Union

22.) Winston Churchill -British politician, best known for his leadership in the UK during WWII.

23.) Battle of the Bulge- the last stand for Germany in the war.

24.) D-Day - offensive by allies to take over Europe.

25.) Auschwitz - Jewish concentration camp

26.) Atomic Bomb - Nuclear bomb dropped on Japan to end the war.

27.) Interment - camps on West Coast used to detain Japanese-Americans.

28.) Income Tax - % of tax paid on personal income (paychecks)

29.) Wage & Price controls - measures taken by a government under its income policy to control wages in an attempt to push inflation and wage push inflation.

30.) War bonds - debt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military operations during war 

31.) WAACs - Women's Army Auxiliary Corps 

32.) WWII Battles of the Pacific - wars taken place in the pacific

33.) GI Bill of Rights - a law that provided benefits for returning WWII veterans.

34.) Zoot-Suit Riots - A series of riots during WWII


World War II part 1

1. What treaty did Hitler hate? Why? 
 - Hitler hated the treaty of Versailles because they blamed Germany for starting the war and so Germany was forced to pay off debt. Hitler also hated it because it beat up Germany's pride.

2. Who became dictators during the 20's and 30's, and for what country?
- Japan: Hideki Tojo
  Germany: Adolf Hitler
  Italy: Benito Mussolini
  Russia: Joseph Stalin
  Spain: Francisco Franco

3. Explain similarities and differences amongst dictators?
- Mussolini and Stalin: If you disagree you get killed
 Hitler and Mussolini: called themselves " the leader"

4.What was the U.S thinking as several wars were breaking out?
- Most Americans believed that the U.S should not get involved. They wanted to stay isolated and neutral because they were still getting over WWI. President Roosevelt thought differently. He didn't want to stay neutral, he wanted to get involved.



Friday, April 12, 2013

"The Help" and the struggle for African American Equality

In the movie "The Help"  African American maids agreed to help a white woman write a book of how they were living their lives as maids so everyone could know. African American maids exposed in the book how they were being treated unfair.
      In one incident white southerners believed that African Americans shouldn't use their bathrooms. They wanted to treat them like animals and make them use the bathroom outside. The white southerners thought they would get some type of disease that the African Americans had.They ended up getting their own bathrooms but not in a good way.
      In another incident white people would control African Americans wages. White people could reduce their pay if they wanted to without getting in trouble. It was unfair for African Americans because they couldn't do anything about it. They could either take the job or leave it.
    The third incident was that African American children's dreams were squashed up and they already knew what they were gonna be. They couldn't even dream of becoming anything because they knew already they were going to be working  for White people. African American children were trained by their mothers of what to do and say, when they're at their jobs. Children lost their hopes of wanting to be someone in the future, because their future was already set up for them.
        The significance of "The Help" is to see the inequality of African American people. They were mistreated just because of their skin color. I think that the movie does show examples of the inequality that  African Americans faced before they had equal rights.


Monday, March 25, 2013

TGD: How TND Affected People Of Color

1. Why did Pedro Gonzalez become a Mexican-American hero?
- Pedro Gonzalez spoke against discrimination and racism on the radio.

2. Why was Frances Perkins a hero for women?
- She became the first women to be a cabinet member.

3. What was the "black cabinet" and who was the leader?
- The "black cabinet" was a group of  influential African Americans to advise Roosevelt on racial issues. The leader was Mary Mcleod Bethune.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Programs of the new deal

1. What was the major difference between Hoover and Roosevelt?
- The major difference was between Hoover and Roosevelt was that Roosevelt took action to help and was willing to do anything to help relieve the great depression. Hoover didn't want to do this, instead he wanted to give money to corporations.

2. Which new deal program was responsible for creating the most jobs, and how did the program achieve this?
- The Works Progress Administration was responsible for creating jobs. It hired workers to make roads, airports, and streets.

3. What impact did the social security act have on Americans?
- The impact it had was that it began in 1935 and up to now it endures and is still here.

4. Why was Huey Long against TND?
- Huey Long was against TND because he thought it was inadequate.



Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Great Deppression- FDR and The New Deal

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd president. He was the only president that had a physical disability. He almost died of polio but survived it. When FDR became president he carefully picked advisors that composed of proffesors, lawyers and journalists and were called the Brain Trust, and were important because they helped make the new deal. The new deal was designed to alleviate problems of the great depression. Roosevelt's new deal atempted to address the three goals that were relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform. President Roosevelet's first action taken was that he closed all banks. Congress passed the emergency banking relief act,which would allow inspectors to see if banks would be able to pay so they could stay open, and if  banks were insolvent then they would remain closed.



Monday, March 18, 2013

The Great Depression- President Hoover's handling of the crisis

Herbert Hoover, a Republican president at the beginnnig of the Great Depression, was ineffective in his response because, he upset Americans. Americans got angry at the things Herbert Hoover was doing, so with their anger and frustrations burned their crops and dumped their milk on highways, blocked shipments of food to markets, and even decided to take a day off of work. Americans got angier because he refused to support direct relief or other types of federal welfare. Veterans from World War I were also affected because they wanted to get paid their bonus money that moment, and not wait for years to get it. They were the bonus army which consisted of them and their families. President Herbert Hoover didn't like that idea. Instead, he responded by tear gassing them and that made a negative effect on him.



Friday, March 15, 2013

The Great Depression- Hardships and suffering

1. Describe the dust bowl; what caused it?
- The dust bowl was a drought in th middle part of the U.S and dust accumulated from the dead crops that farmers had planted that didn't grow. What caused it was that farmers over plowed their land which removed all the prairie grass and caused the dust bowl to come about.

2. Describe how TGD affected: a) children b.) families c.) women d) men e) people of color
- Children: suffered malnutrition, and because of falling taxes, schools were shorten and even closed
- families: stayed together, played video games, and listening to the radio.
- women: got payed less, and often weren't approved by people to be the working kind, which caused sexism
- men: wandered the country to search for jobs.
- people of color: suffered racism and were most unemployed.

3. who were "hoboes", and how did they travel?
- hoboes were transiets; they would set put to walk the streets in search of jobs. They wandered the country hitchicking rides on railroads boxcars and sleeping under bridges.

4. What was an enduring effect on people because of TGD?
- An enduring effect was that they never wanted to be poor.





Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Great Depression

1. 94% of Americans made how much in one year?
- 94% of Americans made less than $5000.

2. Why is Wall Street important to American business?
- Wall Street is important to American business because the New York stock exchange is located there.

3. If the stock market crash DID NOT cause the Great Depression, what did?
- The causes of the Great Depression were, tariffs and war debt policies that cut down the foreign market of American goods, a crisis in the farm sector, the availability of easy credit, and an equal distribution of income.

4. What of what you read is similar to what is happening in the Great Recession?
- What is similar is that were in debt too and that the government has to cut down on things we need. Some of the causes that caused the great depression are what's causing the great rececssion.                                                  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Life Changed In The 1920's- People, Places, and Events

1. What are some beliefs held by fundamentalists?
- Fundamentalists were skeptical of scientific knowledge.They believed that the bible was inspired by god, and therefore everything in the bible was true.

2. The Scope Trial challenged what law?
- It challenged the law that made it a crime to teach evolution.

3. The "double standard" created two different behavior rules for who?
- The "double standard" created two different behavior rules for men and women. Women had stricter standards than men.

4. Why did Charles Lindbergh become famous? Louis Armstrong?
- Charles Lindbergh became famous for being the first one to fly nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean. Louis Armstrong became famous because he joined the Oliver's group and was a talented trumpet player.

5. What was the Harlem Renaissance?
- The Harlem Renaissance was a literary and artistic movement celebrating African-American culture.