Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Post WWI United States

1. Describe the feeling many Americans had after WWI?
-Americans felt exhausted of WWI. They were tired of change, and unemployment. Also farmer and factory workers suffered as wartime diminished.

2. What were some reactions by Americans to their post WWI feelings?
- Some reactions by the Americans were that they were fearful of the outsiders. Another reaction was that the Americans felt threatened by the fact that the country was becoming communist.

3. What did the Palmer raids accomplish? Why did Palmer do to the raids?
- Palmer raids wanted to find political radical, because they were against the communist people.

4.What did the KKK fear? Did their membership grow in the 1920's?
- The KKK were afraid immigrants would take over the U.S. Yes their membership did increase because after the civil war Africans were free nd so they waned them to be back to their place which was to be enslaved.
5. What was the quota system?
-The quota system was a law that limited the number of people coming to the U.S from other countries.

6. What was the quota system discrimanatory?
-This law discriminated against people from eastern and southern europe.

7. How was Mexico affected by the quota system?
- The quota didnt apply to anyone from the western hemisphere so about 500,000 Mexicans crossed the nations borders.

8. How was Japan affected by the quota system?
- Japan was affected by the quota system because the law prohibited Japanese immigration, which caused tension between the two nations.



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