Monday, February 25, 2013

New Technologies and The 1920's

1. How did the automobile affect america?
- It made new businesses like gasoline stations, motels, tourist camps, etc.

2. Whats uban sprawl, and what caused it?
- Urban sprawl is whe cities expand. Mobility by the car caused urban sprawl

3. What was the first use of airplanes not during war?
- The first use was to deliver mail


Automobile affecting america by Lissette Diaz on GoAnimate

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Unions & Labor After World War I

1. Do workers have a fundamental right to form unions and strike?
- Workers did not have a fundamental right to strike, because the government did not want anything to interfere with the war effort. They also did not want them to form unions

3. Were workers treated fairly during the 1920's?
-Workers were not treated fairly. For example if they wanted a raise and asked for it then they would get fired and thats a form of unfair treatment.                                                                             

4. If you were a labor union leader, would you have done anything differently?
-I wouldn't really do anything differently because for example, I wouldn't care if I would of gotten in trouble I would go on strike for what I thought was right so other people could see and do the same thing.



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Post WWI United States

1. Describe the feeling many Americans had after WWI?
-Americans felt exhausted of WWI. They were tired of change, and unemployment. Also farmer and factory workers suffered as wartime diminished.

2. What were some reactions by Americans to their post WWI feelings?
- Some reactions by the Americans were that they were fearful of the outsiders. Another reaction was that the Americans felt threatened by the fact that the country was becoming communist.

3. What did the Palmer raids accomplish? Why did Palmer do to the raids?
- Palmer raids wanted to find political radical, because they were against the communist people.

4.What did the KKK fear? Did their membership grow in the 1920's?
- The KKK were afraid immigrants would take over the U.S. Yes their membership did increase because after the civil war Africans were free nd so they waned them to be back to their place which was to be enslaved.
5. What was the quota system?
-The quota system was a law that limited the number of people coming to the U.S from other countries.

6. What was the quota system discrimanatory?
-This law discriminated against people from eastern and southern europe.

7. How was Mexico affected by the quota system?
- The quota didnt apply to anyone from the western hemisphere so about 500,000 Mexicans crossed the nations borders.

8. How was Japan affected by the quota system?
- Japan was affected by the quota system because the law prohibited Japanese immigration, which caused tension between the two nations.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Proggressives Exam Reflection

What I learned about myself as a test taker was to pay better attention to the questions. For example number 6 and 10 were wrong because I didnt really read them carefully. Also number 21 was wrong because I got confused with the question and didnt really understand what the question was asking. I think that how I can improve next time, is that I will read the questions twice and eliminate any answers that just seem wrong.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Treatment of people of color

1. How did Mexicans earn a living during the late 1800's, and where did they do this work?
- Mexicans worked constructing rail lines on railroads in Southwest.

2. Describe African American life in the 1900's. (where did they move to, what was their experience?etc)
- African Americans life was not that good. They were segregated in the South. By the 1900's a lot of African Americans moved to the north for a better life. But they were still discrminated and forced to live in segregated neighborhoods.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency

1. Describe T.R's life before he became president (where he was from, date he was born, something interesting about his life)
- Teddy Roosevelt was born October 27, 1858 in New York City.  He was very sick as a child but that didnt stop him from doing what he wanted. He attended Harvard University..

2. How did he become president?
- President Mckinley was shot at the Panamerican Exposition in Buffalo, New York and died.

3. What was Teddy Roosevelt's "Bully Pulpit"?
It was a terrific platform from which to advocate an agenda. He used the word "bully" as a meaning of "superb" or "wonderful."

4. Summarize Teddy Roosevelt's opinion on civil rights.
- Teddy Roosevelts opinion on civil rights was that he wanted seperarate but equal.

5.Explain if you would like Teddy Roosevelt if he were president today.
- I would not like Teddy Roosevelt if he were president today because if he wanted to have seperate but equal then colored people would still not have the same rights as the rest.