Monday, March 25, 2013

TGD: How TND Affected People Of Color

1. Why did Pedro Gonzalez become a Mexican-American hero?
- Pedro Gonzalez spoke against discrimination and racism on the radio.

2. Why was Frances Perkins a hero for women?
- She became the first women to be a cabinet member.

3. What was the "black cabinet" and who was the leader?
- The "black cabinet" was a group of  influential African Americans to advise Roosevelt on racial issues. The leader was Mary Mcleod Bethune.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Programs of the new deal

1. What was the major difference between Hoover and Roosevelt?
- The major difference was between Hoover and Roosevelt was that Roosevelt took action to help and was willing to do anything to help relieve the great depression. Hoover didn't want to do this, instead he wanted to give money to corporations.

2. Which new deal program was responsible for creating the most jobs, and how did the program achieve this?
- The Works Progress Administration was responsible for creating jobs. It hired workers to make roads, airports, and streets.

3. What impact did the social security act have on Americans?
- The impact it had was that it began in 1935 and up to now it endures and is still here.

4. Why was Huey Long against TND?
- Huey Long was against TND because he thought it was inadequate.



Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Great Deppression- FDR and The New Deal

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd president. He was the only president that had a physical disability. He almost died of polio but survived it. When FDR became president he carefully picked advisors that composed of proffesors, lawyers and journalists and were called the Brain Trust, and were important because they helped make the new deal. The new deal was designed to alleviate problems of the great depression. Roosevelt's new deal atempted to address the three goals that were relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform. President Roosevelet's first action taken was that he closed all banks. Congress passed the emergency banking relief act,which would allow inspectors to see if banks would be able to pay so they could stay open, and if  banks were insolvent then they would remain closed.



Monday, March 18, 2013

The Great Depression- President Hoover's handling of the crisis

Herbert Hoover, a Republican president at the beginnnig of the Great Depression, was ineffective in his response because, he upset Americans. Americans got angry at the things Herbert Hoover was doing, so with their anger and frustrations burned their crops and dumped their milk on highways, blocked shipments of food to markets, and even decided to take a day off of work. Americans got angier because he refused to support direct relief or other types of federal welfare. Veterans from World War I were also affected because they wanted to get paid their bonus money that moment, and not wait for years to get it. They were the bonus army which consisted of them and their families. President Herbert Hoover didn't like that idea. Instead, he responded by tear gassing them and that made a negative effect on him.



Friday, March 15, 2013

The Great Depression- Hardships and suffering

1. Describe the dust bowl; what caused it?
- The dust bowl was a drought in th middle part of the U.S and dust accumulated from the dead crops that farmers had planted that didn't grow. What caused it was that farmers over plowed their land which removed all the prairie grass and caused the dust bowl to come about.

2. Describe how TGD affected: a) children b.) families c.) women d) men e) people of color
- Children: suffered malnutrition, and because of falling taxes, schools were shorten and even closed
- families: stayed together, played video games, and listening to the radio.
- women: got payed less, and often weren't approved by people to be the working kind, which caused sexism
- men: wandered the country to search for jobs.
- people of color: suffered racism and were most unemployed.

3. who were "hoboes", and how did they travel?
- hoboes were transiets; they would set put to walk the streets in search of jobs. They wandered the country hitchicking rides on railroads boxcars and sleeping under bridges.

4. What was an enduring effect on people because of TGD?
- An enduring effect was that they never wanted to be poor.





Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Great Depression

1. 94% of Americans made how much in one year?
- 94% of Americans made less than $5000.

2. Why is Wall Street important to American business?
- Wall Street is important to American business because the New York stock exchange is located there.

3. If the stock market crash DID NOT cause the Great Depression, what did?
- The causes of the Great Depression were, tariffs and war debt policies that cut down the foreign market of American goods, a crisis in the farm sector, the availability of easy credit, and an equal distribution of income.

4. What of what you read is similar to what is happening in the Great Recession?
- What is similar is that were in debt too and that the government has to cut down on things we need. Some of the causes that caused the great depression are what's causing the great rececssion.                                                  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Life Changed In The 1920's- People, Places, and Events

1. What are some beliefs held by fundamentalists?
- Fundamentalists were skeptical of scientific knowledge.They believed that the bible was inspired by god, and therefore everything in the bible was true.

2. The Scope Trial challenged what law?
- It challenged the law that made it a crime to teach evolution.

3. The "double standard" created two different behavior rules for who?
- The "double standard" created two different behavior rules for men and women. Women had stricter standards than men.

4. Why did Charles Lindbergh become famous? Louis Armstrong?
- Charles Lindbergh became famous for being the first one to fly nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean. Louis Armstrong became famous because he joined the Oliver's group and was a talented trumpet player.

5. What was the Harlem Renaissance?
- The Harlem Renaissance was a literary and artistic movement celebrating African-American culture.




Monday, March 4, 2013


1. what is prohibition
- Prohibition is the banning of alcohol

2. what groups were rsponsible for the idea of prohibition?
- Groups like reformers, rural south and west, areas with large amount of people, of native born protestants, were responsible for the idea of prohibition.

3. What were their reasons?
- Many reasons like too much drinking leading to crime, wife and child abuse, accident on jobs, and serious social problems were some reasons.

4. How did people get illegal alcohol?
- People got illegal alcohol from hidden saloons and nightclubs known as speakeasies, which would be found in penthouses, cellars, office buildings, and many more places.

5. In your opinion was prohibition good or bad idea and why?
- In my opinion prohibition was a good idea because it would lessen dangers from happening like crimes and child abuse.


Government Scandals and Public Trust

Government Scandals And Public Trust by Lissette Diaz on GoAnimate

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