Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pop Culture 1950's

1. What media exploded in the 50's, and how did business respond to this explosion?
- The television exploded. Businesses responded by liking it by increasing their advertisng dollars.There were also tv guides made.

2. Why did critics not like televisions?
- They were concerned about violence being explosed to children, and how women were potrayed on tv. Also it didnt really portray people of color. It was basically unrealistic.

3. What's so ironic about rock music in the 1950's?
- It was mostly made by African Americans. Adults hated it but the more they hated it the more they put it on and liked it.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The American Dream 1950's

1. What were some causes for the baby boom?
- decreasing marriage age
- desirability of large  families
- confidence in continued economic prosperity
- advances in medicine

2. What did Americans have to do in order to support all the new babies being born?
- more toy makers
- more schools
- more teachers

3. How did the roles of women change in the 1950's?
- They took payinng jobs outside of home, and went to college

4. What changes allowed the American car explosion to occur?
- a lot of gas that was cheap
- easy credit to get cars
- extensive advertising
- transportation
-creation of the highway


Friday, May 24, 2013

Postwar America 1950's

1. What was the U.S economy like during WWII? How were Americans doing?
- It wasnt as good. Even though Americans had money they couldn't waste it.

2. How did the American economy transform after The Great Depression and WWII?
- From factory work to working with information; blue collar to white collar.

3. Why would a company like google not do well in the 1950's?
- A company like google would not do well in the 1950's because they were most into indiviuality rather than conformity.


Truman's Labor Policies

1. What were some of the significant challenges president Truman faced after WWII?
- Truman had to supply jobs for 12 million soldiers.
- Giving the African Americans equal rights.
- rationing and shortages of consumer goods

2. How did Truman try to help returning G.I's get jobs after WWII, an how effective was he? Explain your opinion.
- Truman helped returning G.I's gets jobs after WWII by giving them minimum wage, employment, medical insurance, housing aid, etc. He wasn't really effective because he had no support and so there were many strikes so it caused work to not be done.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

The American Teenagers Of The 1950's

1. How did the lives of teenagers change after TGD and WWII? Explain
-They stayed in school, got allowances, didn't work, and the media aimed for them for money.

2. What is "white flight"? Was it good for society?
- It means to move out of the city and go to the suburbs

3. Why did many Mexicans immigrate to the U.S before the 1950's?
- They came to work in agriculture.



Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Boy In Striped Pajamas- Analysis Questions

1. Bruno moved with his family so his father could be closer to the Nazi death camps. At first only the father knew the real reason for moving to the country. Why do you think the father was so secretive about why the family moved?
- I think the father was so secretive about why he and his family moved because he didnt want his family to find out what type of things he was doing to the jews like killing them.

2. Bruno was taught to think of Jews in a certain way.What was Bruno taught about the Jews?
- Bruno was taught about the Jews that they were bad people and that it was their fault why the Germans weren't doing well.

3. When Bruno fell from a swing a Jewish man helped him.Why was this event significant to Bruno's mother's thinking of Jewish people?
- Bruno's mother at first thought that Jews were evil and bad but when she saw one helping Bruno she thought differently about them in a good way.

4. Bruno's father evolved and trasformed from a loving father to what? why?
- Bruno's father evolved and transormed from a loving father to a murderer because he was killing Jews in the concentration camps.

5. Bruno evolved and transformed as well.What kind of boy was he at first, and what did he transform to?
- At first he was an innocent boy who knew nothing about what was happening around him and then he transormed into a young boy caring about everything and everyone.

6. Describe your feelings about Bruno's actions.
- My feelings towards Brunos actions was mixed feelings by the way that he was helpful and caring for his Jewish friend by giving him food but at the same time got his friend beat up by not admiting that he gave him the food. I think he was scared and frightened and had to do that to not get in trouble.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Post WWII In America

1. Why were Americans afraid of the soviet union?
- They were afraid because they had equal powers like nuclear weapons

2. What did the Russians want in Europe?
- They wanted to give the workers a fair opportunity

3. What did the Americans want in Europe?
- They wanted them to determine they're own destiny